My story

Why UX

I help bridge the gap between people and technology through an empathetic approach to human-centered design... but why?

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Let's start from the beginning

Growing up in a little town outside Boston, my family valued both the arts and sciences, which gave me a well-rounded foundation. As a young designer, I loved to find beauty in everyday objects and create something out of nothing. However, my curiosity led me to want to understand how things worked beyond surface level. I began to tinker with anything and everything, deconstructing objects to appreciate their inner workings. This exercise in deconstruction allowed me to better understand how systems were designed and functioned.

A young boy playing with Lego bricks in his room
A vintage IBM PC with floppy disk sticking out of the drive

Thoughtfully deconstructing the world

As I got better at taking things apart, I also got better at putting them back together, although there were some casualties along the way. My fascination with understanding the world around me led me to explore Lego Technic, Erector Sets, and electronics, which eventually led me to CAD in high school. I had no idea at the time, but my childhood experiences laid the foundation for my career as an industrial and interactive designer.

The mobile revolution

After earning my degree in Industrial and Interactive Design, I began my career in the midst of the smartphone revolution. The introduction of the iPhone in 2007 changed everything for me and for the world's relationship with technology. My career path shifted from designing physical products with long lead times to focusing on digital marketing, UX, and digital product design. Thanks to my childhood curiosity and love of tinkering, I was able to follow my passion and build a successful career in design.

Photo of Steve Jobs book on top of Dieter Rams book